Peak & Northern Footpaths Society (est.1894)


Why volunteer?

Work hard...
..have fun

The PNFS currently has over 100 volunteers, and always has room for more. Our volunteers are people like you, people who love the outdoors and are passionate about the footpath network in our region. We work hard to ensure the network is available for all to use, ensuring it will still be there for our children and grandchildren who will enjoy them in the future. Not only do we work hard but we enjoy ourselves and take time to socialise after our labours.

The majority of our volunteers work in the field so no matter where you live your commitment will be valued. The time you commit is negotiable and can range from a few hours per week to a commitment to undertake a defined project. Projects can often be undertaken from home and the duration of the project will depend solely on the time you can offer.

All our volunteers are members, and we would expect any potential volunteer to join us. Volunteers' expenses will be paid and training will be given where necessary.

Volunteer activities

Finishing touches

Most of our volunteers start as footpath inspectors. They walk the paths in a defined area, identifying problems and reporting them to the Highway Authority for action. Whether you are in full time employment or retired this is a wonderful way to enjoy the great outdoors and give time to ensure the long term future of the footpath network in your patch.

Another great opportunity for outdoor lovers is working with our signpost team. The work includes planting our signposts, inspecting them, and refurbishing them. Our Signpost Officer is seen here adding the final coat of paint to one of our signs.

For people who can commit to a few hours a week on a regular basis, the society has many opportunities for general administration, office functions, computer work, promotions and others too numerous to list. One very important area is to look after and keep up to date the society’s footpath archive; this is an invaluable asset that is constantly referred to.

We also have opportunities on a one-off project basis. These are ideal for people who are not able to commit to regular long term work. We always have a number of projects that could be carried out as and when you have the time to commit.

Get in touch!

If you want to volunteer please click HERE to send us an email and someone will get back in touch with you as soon as possible.

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