Peak & Northern Footpaths Society (est.1894)

Join us

Why become a member?

The PNFS is a registered charity. Our funding comes entirely from membership fees and donations. Additionally many members contribute their time and skills. We rely totally on members' subscriptions and donations to cover our running costs.

Our membership
for 2021:

By supporting us through membership you would be taking taking a big step towards protecting the network of paths. Our society is fully inclusive and we represent the needs and interests of footpath users of all abilities. As we champion the rights of all path users at the tables of local highway authorities, our voice is listened to in proportion to the numbers we represent. Every membership counts and yours will make a difference.

In return for their support, all members receive significant benefits. As a member you would...

If you'd like to support us but membership seems like too much trouble, please consider making a donation.

Membership types and subscriptions

There are four membership types:

Household£25.50- for two or more people living at the same address
Concessionary£7.50- for people under 21 and in full-time education, or on low income and claiming benefit
Affiliate£22.50- for organisations

Subscriptions are for one year from 1st June to 30th May.

The society deliberately keeps subscription rates low to allow all members of the public to subscribe. However we rely heavily on additional donations to meet our annual running costs, and we encourage members who can afford it to make an additional donation.

How to pay

We accept payment by Direct Debit or cheque. Direct Debit is best. It’s a lot less trouble for you and for us. It also reduces our operating costs.

Whether you pay by Direct Debit or cheque, if you pay UK tax you can increase the value of your contribution by 25% at no extra cost to you. Fill in the Gift Aid part of the membership form.

Join now!

To join us, please download and print an application form, fill it in and sign it, and post it to the society's membership team. Enclose your cheque if you are not paying by Direct Debit.

Membership form

Renew now!

To renew, please download and print a renewal form, fill it in and sign it, and post it to the society's membership team. Enclose your cheque if you are not paying by Direct Debit.

Renewal form
The download is in PDF format. Most modern computers can open PDF files. Older computers might need additional software. The most popular software is Adobe Reader, which you can download from Adobe's web site.

Post your application to:

Membership Team
Peak & Northern Footpaths Society
Taylor House
23 Turncroft Lane

No printer? Any other questions? Contact us

Thank You. We really appreciate your support.

Related pages

About us Donate Volunteer

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