Peak & Northern Footpaths Society (est.1894)

Signpost & Bridge Gallery

The society has erected many signs, bridges, fingerposts, plaques, and toposcopes. Their locations are shown by the pins on the map below. For general information see About our signposts and Footbridges.

To explore the locations in detail and see photos, press any of the four buttons below. Each button displays the same information in a different style, illustrated to the right of the button. If you're not sure, you could open them all and see which suits your purposes best.

Each of the buttons opens a new window, without the PNFS headings and menus, to leave as much space as possible for information.

Note: The accuracy of locations given is variable, because GPS devices are inaccurate in woodland and deep valleys, where satellite signals are weak.

Style 1: An Ordnance Survey map or aerial photo showing locations with grid references and photos

Open style 1
Style 2: A list of locations with photos and Ordnance Survey maps

Open style 2
Style 3: A simple list of locations with no photos or maps

Open style 3
Style 4: A "places" file for Google Earth. Learn about Google Earth.

Open style 4

Related pages

About our signposts Report a damaged signpost or bridge

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