The first record we have of contributing towards the cost of a footbridge was in 1925 when the society contributed one-third of the total cost of £25 11s 8½d for a footbridge over the River Derwent at Slippery Stones.
In 2005, the custom of providing funds for new footbridges was re-introduced by David Bratt, our then chairman. The society considers applications for funding footbridges where a path has become difficult to use or is impassable. In all cases a contribution is required from the Highway Authority, for example, by carrying out repairs on the footpath or constructing the bridge when PNFS has paid for the materials.
Between 2005 and 2014 the society invested over £35,000 in the funding of footbridges. This money came from legacies left to the society and provides a lasting record of the improvements to the footpath network that the society strives to achieve.
Photographs and locations of all bridges where the society has contributed funds are shown in the Signpost & Bridge Gallery. The photos show each bridge at the time it was built, except some early bridges where we've had to use a more recent photo.
All the bridges belong to the Highway Authorities, who are responsible for their upkeep. So if you spot any faults please let them know, with a copy to us describing the nature of the fault, the location of the bridge and, if possible, including a photograph.
Full details of the society's current policy regarding the funding of footbridges can be seen in the document "DONATIONS TOWARDS THE COST OF BRIDGES", which can be downloaded using the button below.
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