Peak & Northern Footpaths Society (est.1894)

Signpost Magazine

The Signpost magazine is a quarterly publication by the PNFS which provides details of work undertaken by the society, information on guided walks within our area and other items of interest.

Shirley Addy edits the magazine, having taking over from the previous editor Ian Salvage at the beginning of 2019.

------------ The changing front covers of the Signpost magazine ------------

Issue 1 coverIssue 1
Issue 21 coverIssue 21
Issue 67 coverIssue 67

Signpost is published for the benefit of members, members and non-members alike can download any of our previous editions right back to number 1 from the links below.

The downloads for issues 1-40 are in PDF format, up to about 8 MB each. Issues 41 and later are available in online format and as PDFs. Most modern computers can open PDF files. Older computers might need additional software. The most popular software is Adobe Reader, which you can download from Adobe's web site.
Autumn 2000
Signpost 1
Winter 2001
Signpost 2
* * Summer 2001
Signpost 3
Autumn 2001
Signpost 4
Winter 2002
Signpost 5
Spring 2002
Signpost 6
Summer 2002
Signpost 7
Autumn 2002
Signpost 8
Winter 2003
Signpost 9
* * Summer 2003
Signpost 10
Autumn 2003
Signpost 11
Winter 2004
Signpost 12
* * Summer 2004
Signpost 13
Autumn 2004
Signpost 14
Winter 2005
Signpost 15
Spring 2005
Signpost 16
Summer 2005
Signpost 17
Autumn 2005
Signpost 18
Winter 2006
Signpost 19
Spring 2006
Signpost 20
Summer 2006
Signpost 21
Autumn 2006
Signpost 22
Winter 2007
Signpost 23
Spring 2007
Signpost 24
Summer 2007
Signpost 25
Autumn 2007
Signpost 26
Winter 2008
Signpost 27
Spring 2008
Signpost 28
Summer 2008
Signpost 29
Autumn 2008
Signpost 30
Winter 2008-9
Signpost 31
Spring 2009
Signpost 32
Summer 2009
Signpost 33
Autumn 2009
Signpost 34
Winter 2009/10
Signpost 35
* * Summer 2010
Signpost 36
Autumn 2010
Signpost 37
Winter 2010-11
Signpost 38
* * Summer 2011
Signpost 39
* *
Winter 2011
Signpost 40
* * Summer 2012
Signpost 41
* *
Winter 2012
Signpost 42
* * Summer 2013
Signpost 43
Autumn 2013
Signpost 44
Winter 2014
Signpost 45
Spring 2014
Signpost 46
* * Autumn 2014
Signpost 47
February 2015
Signpost 48
* * July 2015
Signpost 49
* *
January 2016
Signpost 50
* * July 2016
Signpost 51
Autumn 2016
Signpost 52
February 2017
Signpost 53
* * Summer 2017
Signpost 54
Autumn 2017
Signpost 55
February 2018
Signpost 56
* * Summer 2018
Signpost 57
Autumn 2018
Signpost 58
* * Spring 2019
Signpost 59
Summer 2019
Signpost 60
Autumn 2019
Signpost 61
Winter 2019/20
Signpost 63
Spring 2020
Signpost 62
Summer 2020
Signpost 64
Autumn 2020
Signpost 65
Winter 2020/21
Signpost 66
Spring 2021
Signpost 67
Summer 2021
Signpost 68
Autumn 2021
Signpost 69
Winter 2021/22
Signpost 70
Spring 2022
Signpost 71
Summer 2022
Signpost 72
Autumn 2022
Signpost 73
Winter 2022/23
Signpost 74
Spring 2023
Signpost 75

* * Edition not published.

Getting the best view of Signpost with Adobe Reader

Some people have difficulty viewing Signpost in Adobe Reader.

The first difficulty is that of having to scroll up and down to follow the columns. The answer to that is to fit a full page onto the screen.   This is very comfortable with a modern 1024 x 1280 screen and is still acceptable on a 768 x 1024 screen.   If your screen is smaller than that then you would probably be better off with paper copies.

To fit a single page to the screen either use the menus [View ->Fit Page] or hold down the <CONTROL> key and press the  <0> key (the zero that is).  You can then move up and down a page at a time using the <PAGE UP> and <PAGE DOWN> keys.   You can get an even bigger image either by using the menus [View -> Full Screen] or by holding down the <CONTROL> key and pressing the <L> key.   This will get rid of the menus and status bars.   Restore them by the same <CONTROL> & <L> key strokes.

The other difficulty is that some pages are printed sideways.   You don’t need to twist your neck or physically rotate the monitor to read these.   Menu [View -> Rotate View -> Clockwise] or holding down both the [SHIFT] and [CONTROL] keys then pressing the [+] key will rotate the screen clockwise. Menu [View -> Rotate View -> CounterClockwise] or holding down both the [SHIFT] and [CONTROL] keys then pressing the [-] key will rotate the screen anti-clockwise.

Related pages

News index, 2010-present News archive, 2006-2009

Page title:Signpost Magazine
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