Peak & Northern Footpaths Society (est.1894)

Path Checkers

Do you walk, run, ride or cycle and love the countryside?

Help us care for our countryside

Help protect your freedom to roam

Become a Path Checker

As a Path checker you can report issues to PNFS and we will do our best to get them sorted.

Three Reporting Methods

From your smart phone

By email

From your laptop or PC

Method 1: From your smart phone

First, download either the society's own smartphone app 'Path Checker' or ‘OS Locate’, both are free and work on smartphones.

They are available from the Apple App Store (iPhones) or Google Play (Android phones). The two apps work in slightly different ways, but both allow you to report problems to the society very easily. Just follow the instructions below.

Path Checker

Our own app has three features. By default it shows the user’s grid reference, so you can enter details of an issue that you have just encountered. An existing or new photograph can be selected and then all the details can be emailed to the society by pressing a Submit button. Two other features are available via the ‘Map’ and ‘PNFS’ icons at the bottom of the screen. ‘Map’ shows the society’s signposts and bridges via standard location icons. Selecting an icon shows a photograph of the signpost/bridge along with it details. ‘PNFS’ provides three links to the society’s website, ‘Join Us’, ‘Support Us’ and ‘About Us’.

OS Locate

This app works in a very similar way to our own, although you do have to enter more information yourself. Again by default it shows you location. You need to click on 'Share' to begin to generate an email to the society and then click on the Mail icon. Enter the email address, some details about the issue and attach a photgraph if you think that would be helpful. Finally send the email.

Which ever app you use we will acknowledge receipt of your email and investigate the issue. We will inform the Highway Authority if necessary so that they can take action.

We think that our new app simplifies the reporting of an issue, so we would now recommend that people use it instead of the OS Locate app. But of course you can use whichever one you prefer.

Method 2: By email

When you find the problem out in the countryside, if possible, take a photo and note your location preferably as grid reference.

When you get home send an email from your PC or laptop to providing the following:

  1. brief description of the issue
  2. attach your photo
  3. the location of the problem as a grid reference
  4. your name and contact phone number (if you wish)

Method 3: Via the form on the form below

Just complete the details on this Form

The advantage of using the form is that you will automatically receive a reference number when you submit your report.

Typical problems

Further details on typical problems on rights of way can be found Here

Your Legal Rights

The law guarantees public rights of access over routes designated as public rights of way. Public Rights of Way (PROW) are highways, but unlike roads, footpaths are only for those on foot, and bridleways are for those on foot, horseback or bike.PNFS believes the rights of walkers need to be protected.

Become a Path checker

Just send an email with your name and phone number to

Related pages

Report an issue to us Path Checkers flyer

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