Peak & Northern Footpaths Society (est.1894)

PNFS, a poem

Ted Wolfe, Signpost Volunteer

This article is from Signpost 66, Winter 2020

Peak and Northern Footpaths Society, or PNFS for short

Keeping open rights of way, people for to walk

Dedicated volunteers, giving freely of their times

My job, to get out, about, planting footpath signs

For a hundred years and more, this dedicated band

Have striven for our access, to more of English land

Council, parish, highway authorities that we know

Also, landowners, farmers, with whom we hope our friendships grow

Much work goes unseen of course, studying ancient maps

And writing many letters to unseen council chaps

Often were successful, but this isn't always so

That's when we raise our hackles, and into battle we do go

Our work it is unending, unfettered access is our aim

Whether, woodland, pasture, coastline, or moorland holding game

Most of us are elderly, but persevere just the same

Whether brickwall of authority or obstacles that remain

So next time you're out walking and a signpost guides the way

It didn't appear by magic, we planted it one day

And we will have been successful if it guides an open path

Then back home you will have enjoyed your walk, whilst soaking in hot bath

Next: Countryside Steward Scheme

Page title:PNFS, a poem
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