Peak & Northern Footpaths Society (est.1894)

Nineteen Signpost Walk

Gordon Richards, Member

This article is from Signpost 66, Spring 2020

In response to the 'Signpost Challenge' suggested in Signpost issue 64, here is a route in the Hayfield/Rowarth area and visits nineteen signs of all five types in sixteen locations, so here is some variety for you! Start from Hayfield bus station, buses 61 Buxton-Glossop or 358 Stockport-Hayfield, or car parking £4.80 per day. Map is OS Dark Peak Explorer and the total distance about 16 km and 600 m ascent.

Click on the links to see a photograph of the signpost/bridge/plaque or fingerpost and its location.

P001 is on the bus station building. Cross A624 into village, walk up Kinder Road for 400 m, turn left up steps beside S030. Stony track becomes grassy path passing P005 and Twenty Trees rising via kissing gates to Middle Moor. Turn right along wide track; near white cabin are S002, S029 and S019. Head northwest, over large footbridge, following track to B001, P004 on far side then short descent to S001 near gate at Carr Meadow.

Turn back a few metres, follow wallside concession path uphill to Hollingworth Head where Mill Hill path joins from the east. Over stile, cross A624 (blind summit on left!), walk along Charlesworth road taking second track on left which bends right and up to Knarrs Farm. Use clearly signed path to right of buildings, at second stile jink off half right through hummocks to wooden step stile. Descend two meadows via S548 and S547 to the bridleway and a few metress north to T junction west of Plainsteads.

Go left/west along Far Cown Edge Farm access road, past farm entrance and up cobbled path to skyline. Head SW over stile past spot height 384 along excellent high level path with long views west over Cheshire and east to Kinder. This eventually drops down to S536 (actually a fingerpost replacing the old RA post in 2017.) I claim any bragging rights to this as I suggested this to David Morton! Over the stile descend steeply to Rowarth noting tubular S159 as the lane is reached.

Turn right then left beside cottages and at bottom right along slabby path which becomes a lane into the village. Turn left at lane junction to the fine Old Mill Inn with its Derbyshire Belle Carriage and former water wheel. Retrace steps for 100 metres seeking half-hidden fingerpost on right, follow overgrown path to cross B009 then south east streamside to new footbridge (not PNFS!) giving access to path around Long Lee Farm. Over stile (use of ex gravestone as step) at S054 then follow fieldpath east via stiles at S289 and S281 to Five Lane Ends for F008.

As signed follow bridleway south upfield, bearing right through metal gate up track then in a few metres right up path to top out on Lantern Pike at T002, the final 'bag' of the day, and from where most of your route today is visible. Descend the Pike's southern ridge for 350 metres, turn left at crosswall to descend steep broken path to rejoin bridleway, turn right on track then lane to T junction where leave the bridleway and go left down lane and over stile beside Lower Cliff Farm. Descend meadow to solitary house, go right and after a few metres left down track/path through strange  wagon-axle stiles (!) to cross River Sett at footbridge and reach Sett Valley Trail at Birch Vale where you turn left/east for the final stroll back to the start.

Alternative start: If more convenient, bus stops and roadside parking in Birch Vale at SK022867. Drop down the signed path opposite former Grouse Pub and walk the last part first!

You can now view the details of members' recommended walks on our website. If you would like to include yours please email the details to the webmaster at If you can attach a GPX file then all the better!

Check out Gordon's route here

Next: Sheffield FP307

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