Peak & Northern Footpaths Society (est.1894)

PNFS Library

Andrew Harter, Footpath Inspector and Taylor House Volunteer

This article is from Signpost 62, Spring 2020

Besides the main archive at Taylor House, the Society has accumulated a variety of other material that has both current and historical interest. Much of the material produced by the Society itself, such as Annual Reports and Signpost magazines, is already on the website. We also have a number of books and other publications which could be of interest to members. In the near future listings of the material available will start to be added to the website and members will be able to borrow most items. There are a few rare/irreplaceable items and certain key modern reference items which might have to be restricted to being used only at Taylor House. It almost goes without saying that several copies of the Blue Book (Riddall and Trevelyan) are available, as well as two copies of Restoring the Record (Bucks and Wadey). The table below lists a selection of the books available.

Just in this short list there are items that cover: * The practical aspects of building paths (Agate, Radford). * Historical sources and research techniques (Beech/Mitchell, Hollowell, West). * OS maps (Harley, Oliver). * General histories about the development of roads and tracks (Dodd, Hey, Hindle, Raistrick). * Walking, access, and footpath issues in a wider context (Purkiss, Roberts, Shercliff, Shoard).

Just in this short list there are items that cover:

If any member has items they would be prepared to donate to the Society please get in touch at Because of limited space we can only accept items that are likely to be of lasting value to other members and/or have significant historic value. You may have quite a few treasured guidebooks that have seen you through many an enjoyable walk which you would like to pass on - sorry, but we cannot accept items like this unless they are of special significance. For example, My Ten Favourite Walks around Buxton is unlikely to contain anything that is original or not available in numerous other books (or nowadays on websites) and so would be unsuitable for the Library. By contrast, The South Yorkshire Moors by Christopher Goddard would be suitable for the Library because of its outstanding detail, presentation, and historical research. (I have already donated a copy.)

If you want to borrow anything, or receive a fuller listing of what is available - prior to the listing going on the website - please use the email address given above. Borrowers will have to come to Taylor House as it will be impractical to send things out by mail.

Next: Memorial at Drinkwaters

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