Peak & Northern Footpaths Society (est.1894)

Blocked Footpath at Mottram-in-Longdendale

Paul Easthope (Treasurer)

This article is from Signpost 55, Autumn 2017

On a recent walk in this area I came across a blocked path, caused by building work on the site of the old Waggon and Horses pub at Mottram. I have used this unofficial path for many years. It leaves LON 84/20 at SJ 991 946, heading down to Broadbottom Road. It is of course not on the definitive map.

However, all is not lost. The builder showed me how they are moving the path to run between two of the new houses, linking up with the stile that has been blocked whilst building work takes place.

After consulting Terry Norris, one of our Courts & Inquiries Officers, we hope to have the path added to the definitive map by means of a Footpath Creation Agreement under Section 25 of the Highways Act, 1980. This agreement is between the landowner and the local authority. There is no provision for objections or duty to consult.

Thank goodness for a fair and responsible builder, who had no legal obligation to reinstate this path.

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