Welcome to the online edition of Signpost. This is an alternative to the print edition.
The PNFS website has a news section on the home page: www.pnfs.org.uk. If you have an email address, you can get news items sent to you automatically as soon as they appear on the website. ...
Membership subscriptions are due within one month of each AGM, so all members who have not yet renewed this year (2015) should now do so as soon as possible at the appropriate rate ...
The article by Terry Norris in the last issue about replacing stiles with kissing gates certainly created a lot of interest. I received more correspondence on this than on any previous item; ...
Since January, when we installed Signposts 470, 481, 483 and 484, we have installed seventeen new signposts and, between April to June, carried out maintenance on seven, reposted one, re-installed one, repainted ten and partly repainted another ten as follows: ...
This photograph shows the new dedication plate, on S239 at Summer Close, to Jack Ogden, with the original braille plate for Reg Wilson of the Manchester and District Rambling Club for the Blind. ...
Some – perhaps many – of you, bearing in mind your interest in walking and the countryside, will also be members of Ramblers and you may well have seen or heard of The Big Pathwatch. This is an initiative by Ramblers ...
Friends of the Peak District are putting together a route for a long-distance walk around the boundary of the Peak District. The idea is to encourage visitors to enjoy the beauty of the Peak District, ...
Details of short walks and longer walks, July 2015 to October/November 2015. See also the complete current walks programme.
Signpost is edited and published for the Society by David C Brown (01663 733236, dcb.pnfs0@gmail.com)
Design and Print by Lymetrees (Tel/Text 07984 059150)
The views expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily represent the Society’s policy
Page title: | Signpost 49, July 2015 |
Address: | https://pnfs.org.uk/newsletter/1507-signpost49.htm |
Message: | If you'd like a reply, please include your contact details. |