This article is from Signpost, Autumn 2013
Thank you to all members who responded to the appeal in the last Signpost and contacted me with detail of their use of the northern end of Wardlow Footpath 6. The member who intends to apply to Derbyshire County Council for a modification order to be made to legally recognise the route through the farmyard as a public footpath has contacted all those who responded. Details of any more people who have used this path would still be very welcome - contact us. I will let you know in future Signposts what happens to the application.
It is with deep regret that we report the deaths of Peter Crofts and Charles Peers.
Peter joined our team of Assessors in 1999 and went on to the lead the unit until 2004.
Charles was recorded as a Council Member (the society’s ruling body at the time) from 1982, he also held the post of Signpost Supervisor in 1986 & 87 and worked with the Assessors until May 2003.
Both Peter and Charles were passionate about footpaths and their dedication to the work of the society, over many years, is a testament to that passion.
NOTE we published the wrong date in the last Newsletter.
Saturday 23 November, is the date for our Half Year Meeting, which will be held at the Britannia Hotel Offerton.
Saturday 12 April 2014 is the date for next year’s AGM. Venue as above.
Next: Chairman's piece
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