PNFS is run solely by volunteers, we will reply to all reports and enquiries as soon as possible.
Footpath issues: | Inspection Team or Footpath Issues Reporting form |
Improvements: | Improvements Team |
Membership: | Membership Secretary |
Publicity: | Publicity Officer |
Signpost matters: | Signpost Team or Signpost Matters Reporting Form |
Volunteering: | Volunteers Team |
Website: | Webmaster or Webmaster Contact Form |
Anything else: | General Enquiries or General Enquiries Form |
Our phone number is 0161 480 3565. Calls are usually taken by an answering machine - please leave a message. The phone is more likely to be answered personally on Monday mornings (not bank holidays).
Our postal address is:
Taylor House
23 Turncroft Lane
To be certain that one of our volunteers will be there, please make an appointment before calling at Taylor House.
Page title: | Contact us |
Address: | |
Message: | If you'd like a reply, please include your contact details. |